🔶 REMINDER 🔶 All MAPS offices and buildings will be closed on Wednesday, June 19.
about 1 month ago, Moorhead Area Public Schools
District offices and buildings closed
Moorhead Adult Basic Education attended the Diversity Job Fair hosted by Fargo Moorhead West Fargo Chamber of Commerce last month, showcasing the classes the program offers. Can Adult Basic Education help with the learning journey for you or someone you know? More Information ➡️ https://www.isd152.org/o/abe
about 1 month ago, Moorhead Area Public Schools
Adult Basic Education Job Fair
Ariana is rocking her new 2024 graduation tassel after passing the last test to earn her a GED diploma. We are proud of you, Ariana!
about 1 month ago, Adult Basic Education
Grad Ariana
Today we celebrate with Bradley as he passed his final test to earn his GED diploma! We are incredibly proud of him and wish him all the best in his pursuit of becoming a Marine.
about 2 months ago, Adult Basic Education
Graduate Bradley
Congratulations to our newest graduate, Trayvs! He crushed his goal in just a handful of months by attending evening GED classes and doing the online homework to pass each of the 4 tests. We are proud and wish you the best on your future goals, Travys!
about 2 months ago, Adult Basic Education
Graduate Travys
Kayla is all smiles as we celebrate her GED graduation last week. She is the first female graduate for our GED program at the Clay County Correctional Facility. We are proud of you and your hard work, Kayla!
about 2 months ago, Adult Basic Education
Graduate Kayla
Kari and Kayla
Kayla and the instructional team
🔶Summer Hours 🔶 Starting Tuesday, May 28, All MAPS offices and buildings will be open to the public Monday-Thursday from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and will be closed on Fridays. Summer hours will run until Friday, August 16.
2 months ago, Moorhead Area Public Schools
Jesus is out the door with his graduation tassel and onto his next chapter! Congratulations on earning your GED diploma so quickly and letting our team support you on your academic journey. We wish you all the best with your military aspirations, Jesus! We are proud.
2 months ago, Adult Basic Education
Graduate Jesus
We would like to give a huge shoutout to the awesome volunteers that helped paint at Vista Center for Education on United Way of Cass-Clay day of action! Thank you guys so much for your helpful hands and making such a huge impact on our entire community. 🖌️ #OnceASpudAlwaysASpud
2 months ago, Moorhead Area Public Schools
day of action
day of action
day of action
day of action
Congratulations to Alyssa who completed the final two tests to earn her GED diploma just in time to pick up her little one from daycare last night! She is a tremendous role model to her child and those who know her. We are proud of you, Alyssa!
2 months ago, Adult Basic Education
2024 tassel
Congratulations to Kyle and Will who were celebrated after earning their GED diplomas last week. These men worked hard and completed the process in just a few weeks time during the spring GED session at the Clay County Correctional Facility. Both have goals of pursuing further education in welding and barber career pathways. We are proud of you gentlemen!
2 months ago, Adult Basic Education
Grads and CCC Administrator
Grads and instructional team
Kyle and Will
Congratulations to Kelsey on earning a GED diploma today! She prepared for each of the 4 tests while studying at our Fergus Falls site and using a customized online homework platform. We wish Kelsey all the best in her postsecondary goals. We are proud!
3 months ago, Adult Basic Education
Grad Kelsey
Mayor Shelly Carlson visited the Moorhead Adult Education ESL class on May 6 to discuss her duties as our mayor. She explained the various levels of government, provided updates on current projects, fielded questions, and shared resources with us. Mayor Carlson extended an invitation for us to take a field trip to attend a future city council meeting. Zak, the recent recipient of a Human Rights Award, also joined us. Thank you for coming Mayor Carlson and Zak!
3 months ago, Adult Basic Education
Mayor Carlson visit
Happy Volunteer Appreciation Week to Cassie! She assists Jeremy at the Moorhead Adult Education Clay County Correctional Facility site in the GED classroom. In the past year, Cassie has gone above and beyond in engaging in countless trainings to better support our students in achieving their GED diplomas. Thank you, Cassie!
3 months ago, Adult Basic Education
Clay County Corrections ABE site
Happy Volunteer Appreciation Week to Anna! She has returned to volunteering at Moorhead Adult Education this school year after first coming to the program as part of a college class requirement in 2021. One of the things that Anna enjoys most about volunteering in the ESL 4-6 class is meeting so many different people and leading group discussions. She states that the students have taught her that even when learning is hard, it can be fun! One of the things that Anna loves about the environment at ABE is how the students are so quick to help each other learn and grow. Thank you, Anna!
3 months ago, Adult Basic Education
Volunteer Anna
Happy Volunteer Appreciation Week to Susan! She has been exploring a variety of art mediums with Moorhead Adult Education students over the years. This voluntary art experience opportunity provides students a relaxing ambiance filled with natural light, calming music, and a chance to express their creative side. It is a safe space for the most beginning level student up to those who have had formal art instruction. Thank you, Susan!
3 months ago, Adult Basic Education
Volunteer Susan
Art sample
Colored pencils
Student art
Happy Volunteer Appreciation Week to Cindy! She has been coming to Moorhead Adult Education a few days per week over the past 3 years and assists in the ESL 1-6 classrooms. Cindy loves sharing the joy when a student understands something new in English or has learned to express themselves in the English language. She says that the students have taught her that the world is a really small place and that she feels privileged to live in the United States with many freedoms and opportunities that others don't have. Thank you, Cindy!
3 months ago, Adult Basic Education
Volunteer Cindy
Volunteer Cindy class
Happy Volunteer Appreciation Week to Samantha! She works with the evening ESL 1-3 students in Kylie's class. Samantha came to the program because she was inspired by the work that she saw happening with her coworkers' clients who were enrolled at Moorhead Adult Education. One of the big takeaways for her is that the students have taught her a lot about different cultures and she has been able to bridge that knowledge into her work life as well. Samantha loves working with pre-literate students because they learn so much so quickly. Thank you, Samantha!
3 months ago, Adult Basic Education
Volunteer Samantha
Happy Volunteer Appreciation Week to Lisa! She works primarily with the ESL 1-3 classes and was referred to the program by her daughter that volunteered as part of a course requirement in college. Lisa admires how determined the students are in all that they do. She shares that the students have demonstrated to her how important determination, resilience, positive thinking and goal-setting are to improving their lives. Thank you, Lisa!
3 months ago, Adult Basic Education
Lisa and class
Volunteer Lisa
Congratulations, Natalia! You worked hard and achieved your GED diploma goal. We are proud of you and will continue to support you as you transition to your next chapter.
3 months ago, Adult Basic Education
Graduate Natalia