A Message from Our School Counselor

Happy New Year 2023!

Our January Theme: Honesty

We are practicing the Seven Grandfather Teachings this whole year. Each month we highlight one teaching. This month we are highlighting Honesty. 

We are also learning about Empathy and Kindness in our SEL classroom lessons.  In order to extend genuine kindness, it’s important to notice others and empathize so you know how to show kindness individually.  We are learning these steps to show kindness:  

Notice Others:

  1. Face

  2. Body

  3. Surroundings (what is happening around them.)

Ask Questions to Find Out More: 

  1. Is something wrong?

  2. Are you okay?

  3. Can I help you with…?


Imagine how that person feels.  Put yourself in their situation and feel how they may be feeling.

Do or Say Something Thoughtfully Kind

  1. Can I sit with you?

  2. Would you like to play with me?

  3. Can I help you with…..?

  4. Wow, that was AWESOME! Way to go!

By using these steps, we can show others we care and help make our classroom, school and world a better, more caring place to live.