A Message from Behavior Intervention

Wow! Where has the time gone?! It is hard to believe it is almost December. As we wrap up November and head into December, many people will be spending more time with friends and family. It is an exciting, crazy, stressful time of year. 

This time of year is filled with various emotions. These emotions are ever changing as our circumstances change. As adults, we have learned to manage our emotions throughout our day. Children, however, are learning to recognize/identify their own emotions. They are also learning how to manage or regulate their emotions in a healthy manner. One way we can teach them is through modeling. When you feel stressed or frustrated, don’t be afraid to share that with them. It is okay to say “I am feeling frustrated right now because _____________. I am going to take a couple deep breaths.” Walk them through your calming strategy using verbal self-talk. Don’t be afraid to tell your kids you need a break; we all do sometimes! Give yourself grace. 

We often focus so much on the negative, we forget about the positive. Share your positive emotions too! Children are little sponges and are often listening even when we think they are not. A great way to teach is leading by example. Hopefully by you talking about your emotions, it will help them learn and feel more comfortable/confident talking about theirs as well. 

I enjoy getting to partner with classroom teachers and families. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. You can call  218-284-5376 or email me at rgladue@moorheadschools.org.


Rachel Gladue

Behavior Interventionist

S.G. Reinersten Elementary

Phone: 218-284-5376