Principal Message

SGR Families,

Happy Wednesday! We’ve made it to Back-to-School! We’re excited to see/meet all families either today or tomorrow during your 1:1 conference. Remember, if you can’t make your assigned afternoon time for any reason, please come to our open house on Thursday evening from 5-7 pm. Please also remember you only need to come once, either to the 1:1 time or to the open house, but not both. We can’t wait for students and families to meet their teachers and us! Bring your school supplies, as this is a perfect time to set up everything!

We also have some additional notes to consider prior to the first day that are great to think about when you and your child come to school today or tomorrow:

  1. Doors unlock at 7:20 am. Students will be able to enter the building at that time through either one of our main entrances, door 1 on the east side and door 13 on the west side.

  2. Buses will drop off students in our bus lot by door 1

  3. Parents can drop off students on either side, but we’d strongly encourage grades K & 1, along with siblings, to be dropped off by our main entrance, door 1 on the east side of the building

  4. Walking students can enter through either main entrance as well

  5. As we’ve done in previous years, we’re asking you to wish your child well at the bus stop, in the car, or on the sidewalk every day of the year, including the first day of school. We’ll have staff at door 1 who can escort your child to their classrooms, if needed, the entire first week. Tell us their teachers’ last name and we can get them where they need to be! Practicing this morning routine today or tomorrow when you come to Back-to-School is an awesome idea!

  6. Doors will unlock at 7:20, the school day starts at 7:45, and ends at 2:30 pm. Buses depart at 2:38, and we’d like all students picked up by 2:45 pm (or as the parking lot allows, as it will be busy the first week of school).

  7. For our K students, they will be waiting with their teacher on the plaza for parent pick up after school by door 1 at 2:25 pm

  8. New this year - We’ll have an ABC start to the day when doors unlock at 7:20. Students can choose Active, Breakfast, or Calm. Breakfast in the cafeteria is always first if they need it. If they are not eating breakfast at school ($1.10) they can choose active time on the south playground or calm time in the south gym. Calm time is a time to sit quietly and read, draw, or other calm activities inside the building. Active time is obviously a time to be active outside. We’ll explain more to students next week, but wanted to give everyone a heads up.

We’ll share more tips/notes this weekend and every week on Sunday, but wanted to get some information out to you before you come to the building this week. It’s going to be an AWESOME year!

Mr. St. Louis and Mrs. Nagel, principals