A Message from Our School Counselor

Spring Greetings!  

Our Monthly Theme:  TRUTH

In 4th grade classrooms this month we are learning about the STEPS to problem solving.  The older students become, the more we expect them to begin to solve their own problems by themselves without the help of adults.  There will still be times when we may need an adult to help such as in cases where someone is harming someone else, physically or emotionally. For the most part though, as students grow older, the more capable they are of figuring out their own solutions to problems. 

The problem solving steps include: S-T-E-P

  1. Say the problem-truthfully, without blaming or using words like “never” “always” and “on purpose” 

  2. Talk about solutions-brainstorm ways to solve the problem that both sides can agree to doing

  3. Explore the outcomes-what could be the result of each idea to solve the problem (from the previous step)

  4. Pick the solution-Be true to yourself and say what you do and don’t feel comfortable doing and then pick a solution that works for everyone involved.

The best solution is the solution that you have been truthful talking about with the other person but you’ve also been truthful with yourself and spoke your truth.

Speaking your truth can be hard because sometimes we’re shy or we don’t want to hurt the other person’s feelings.  Being truthful to yourself though, is standing up for yourself and letting the other person know your true feelings.  

It can be scary to be truthful but in the end, to compromise with someone else to solve a problem, both sides need to communicate how they are feeling and what they will truthfully be able to feel comfortable doing..

7 Grandfathers Teachings:--Courage--Wisdom--Humility--Honesty--Love--Respect--Truth