Principal Message

SGR Families,

Happy Sunday! It’s difficult to believe, but there are only seven weeks left in this school year. Crazy! We have a lot to accomplish in that time, while also staying busy with plenty of activities. Most grade levels have at least one field trip this spring, plus our normal end of the year activities like Field Day or the All-City Track Meet, Games-to-Go, etc. We’ll try to note some of those activities each week in our email, but if you have any questions, your child’s classroom teacher will be the best resource. Please read their emails, newsletters, or whatever else they use to communicate with the class, and email them if you have any questions. Thanks!

Notes for this week:

  • No School: It’s a four day weekend upcoming, which means no school this Friday or next Monday, April 18.
  • Brave the Shave: Thanks again to everyone who helped support Brave the Shave. WDAY was at school on Friday as Mrs. Olson had her hair cut for a donation to Brave the Shave, as well as shaved! All classes had the opportunity to watch, either in person or online, and they loved it. We included some pictures on both Twitter and the MAPS app, so please check them out! As a school we raised $6,142.06, which is amazing! Thank you!
  • End of the Day: As we’ve said consistently since the beginning of the year, it’s important that you and your family have a plan for the end of the day, whether that is busing, riding, or walking home. It’s easiest for your child if they go to school knowing their plan for the end of the school day. Obviously things can come up to change plans, which is a great time to call the office, but that should be the exception, not the rule.
  • MCA Testing: 3rd grade did a great job with their MCA reading test last week. This week 4th grade will take their reading test. Sleep and healthy breakfasts are two easy ways to prepare for strong days!

It’s another great week to be awesome!

Mr. St. Louis and Mrs. Nagel, principals