Principal Message

SGR Families,

Wow, that weather was terrible last Friday! We know it can be confusing at times to switch between full days, late starts, and eLearning days, but we obviously can’t control the weather. We’re always going to try our best to make the safest choices for our families and our staff. If for any reason you aren’t getting our calls, emails, or texts when we make weather announcements, please call our office. We want to be sure everyone gets the correct information in as timely of a manner as possible! 

Just a few notes for this week:

  • Masks Optional: Remember, starting tomorrow all elementary schools will now be “mask optional” following the lead of other buildings within the district. Given that, we no longer will have disposable masks available for students at the front desk. We also won’t be reminding students to keep masks up, to put masks on, etc. Students are still welcome to wear them, but you’ll need to make sure you send masks with them. Finally, please have conversations with your child as well so that they know your expectations, whether that is to mask or not, 
  • Elementary Progress Reports (EPRs): Progress reports were added to student documents two weeks ago. The attached links are a PDF that explains them and how to access them, and video that does the same. If you have any trouble with Powerschool, the attached document and video outlines steps to troubleshoot. 
  • Goal Setting: In conjunction with our EPRs, most of our teachers have sent home information regarding the goal setting we’ve done as a partnership with you this year, either in paper or email form. In some cases they’ve reached out on the phone. Regardless of the connection method, our hope is to touch base with you regarding the goals discussed back in August and October, so please return any papers or emails connected to goal setting. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher.
  • Park Day: We will have our sledding/park day on Friday, February 25th, assuming the weather cooperates. Teachers will likely be sending more information home later this week regarding expectations and times. We’re excited to make this fun day happen again this year! A huge shout out to our SGR PTAC for providing funds for busing on this day!

Enjoy the Super Bowl this evening, and then we’ll see everyone tomorrow. It’s another great week to be AWESOME!

Mr. St. Louis and Mrs. Nagel, principals