A Message from Our School Counselor


Happy Giving Hearts Month! 

Our Monthly Theme:  LOVE

This month we are focusing on the next Grandfather Teaching of love. This theme fits nicely into the many ways we are focusing on kindness and giving to others this month.

This month we will be exploring being at peace with yourself and being able to express love to your family, friends and community through your actions and words.

The Eagle is the animal spirit that was chosen to represent this teaching of love because it is the one animal who could reach the highest in bringing vision to the seeker. 

The Eagle is the most revered animal spirit in all of First Nations’ society as it is the one that flies the highest and closest to the Creator. It is the one that can see the farthest and it is the animal that carries the prayers of the people to the spirits. 

The Eagle is also an animal guide as its feathers are utilized in most if not all spiritual practices and ceremonies. The Eagle is truly respected and loved to the utmost degree and loved unconditionally. 

Love is considered the greatest and most powerful medicine and healing agent. Love all people and all creatures of the world and this love will be returned to you.                              

-Excerpts from: Dave Courchene Jr., and Cindy Crowe 

 Seven Grandfathers Teachings: 1-Courage 2-Wisdom 3-Humility 4-Honesty 5-Love