A Message from Our School Counselor


Fall Greetings from Ms. Shari!

Our Monthly Theme:   WISDOM

This month we are focusing on how having wisdom helps us live our best life.  

This month we are reviewing our first unit in our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum called Second Step.  

We have been learning about:

  • how important it is to have a growth mindset

  • how our brains build a network to coordinate learning 

  • the importance of setting goals and making a plan to practice.  

Students in the K-1 grades have learned to be wise, we need to practice and keep trying when we are learning new things.  We also know that we will all make mistakes when we are learning new things.  It is WISE to practice telling ourselves helpful things when we are trying to learn something new because mistakes will happen. EVERYONE makes mistakes every single day.  

In our classroom lessons we practiced telling ourselves things like:

  •  “It’s okay.” 

  • “You almost got it!” 

  • “You can’t do it YET, but keep trying.” 

  • “Come on, you can do hard things!” 

Practicing these helpful thoughts to use when we make mistakes will encourage us to keep trying.  If we keep practicing, eventually we will get good at what we are learning.  

What are you practicing at home to learn to do better?

The Seven Grandfathers Teachings: 1-Courage 2-Wisdom