A Message from Our School Counselor


Fall Greetings from Ms. Shari!

Our Monthly Theme:   COURAGE

This month we are focusing on how having courage helps us live our best life.  

First we need to RECOGNIZE when bullying is happening:

  • Is someone being mean to someone else on purpose?

  • Is it happening over and over again involving the same people?

  • Is there an imbalance of power or is the conflict one sided?

If you can answer yes to these three questions, then what you are witnessing is defined as bullying and if you see something like this happening, you need to say something to an adult.

Here are the lessons along with the posters our 4th graders have become familiar with:  

The first poster outlines the steps we want students to use when they think they see bullying happening.

Help Stop Bullying.

The second poster identifies all the ways students can practice COURAGE to be a supportive Bystander.  

 Bystander Power

A Bystander is simply someone who sees bullying happening.  They are neither the bully nor the victim but they have the power to be a part of the solution.  If they stand by and do nothing, they are part of the problem. 

The fourth graders have finished a bullying prevention unit consisting of four lessons.  We will look to them to set the example of what to do if students see bullying happening. It takes courage to stand up for what’s right, even when you are standing alone. 

We encourage students to practice COURAGE each and every day, in school and outside of school to help live their best life!

When it comes to anything unsafe: Have COURAGE.  If you SEE something, SAY something.