Finish Strong: Legacy

Spring Greetings from your school counselor, Ms. Shari. 

Our  Last   Weekly Theme:     Legacy

Definition of legacy (Merriam-Webster): something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past. 

What do you want your legacy to be? How do you want to be remembered?  It would be interesting to hear how your child would answer that question.  

As we prepare for our 4th graders to transition to Horizon Middle School, I’ve been visiting with the fourth graders in their classrooms about how they can continue to be kind, respectful, responsible and safe next year.  

One of the scenarios we are discussing is how to be a respectful bystander if they are witness to bullying in the future. One of the kindest things you can do to help a victim of bullying is to be a supportive bystander or an upstanding citizen.  The worst thing you can do is nothing because it sends the message that you agree with the bullying and support it.

In class, we are talking about the importance of doing one of the following:

  1. Report the incident to an adult

  2. Support the victim by standing up for or saying something to the bully.  Maybe say something like, “Cut it out/Knock it off, that’s not okay.” Make sure you are using factual statements and not disrespectful language.

  3. Support the victim by being helpful and respectful.  Maybe say something like, “Are you okay?  I saw what happened to you.”

  4. Support the victim by including him/her in your activities.

Being a responsible bystander is one very important way you can be kind, respectful and safe.  

If you can’t be anything else, be kind and remember...

So... let kindness be a part of our legacy.  

Thank you for sharing your child with us at SGR.  Have a wonderful summer.  If there ever was a summer the kids have earned, it’s this one!  Be safe and remember to be good to yourself so you can be good to others.