A Message From The Health Office

Health Office:

But are they sick?

- Fever above 100.4 F? 

Yes. Students should be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school.

- Vomit? 

Yes. We recommend that they wait to return to school 24 hours after the last time they vomit.

- Diarrhea? 

Yes. Especially if they are experiencing multiple bouts within an hour.

- Lice? 

No. Though you may wish to treat lice right away, we do not have a no-nit policy for students to return to school.

- Sniffles/ Tummy/ Headaches? 

Why not give school a try? Over the course of the year, these absences can really add up. Parents often keep a student home initially only to bring them in later because breakfast and some time to wake up has helped them feel better.