150th Anniversary Information and Interaction

Share your Spud Experience

The 150th Anniversary is about YOU! Our Spud pride and shared sense of belonging are universal, but each of our stories is unique. Whether you graduated in the 1950s, attended for just a few years during elementary or are a grandparent of a current SPUD student, everyone in the Spud family has a story to tell. We'd love to hear what being a Spud means to you. Please take a few minutes to share your Spud story with us.

Click here to share your Spud Experience

Order 150th Anniversary Merchandise

Limited edition MAPS 150th Anniversary merchandise is now available—only though the student-run Spud Store and via their online web store. The Spud Store is scheduled to be open to the public on October 30, 5-7 p.m., and December 20, 4-6 p.m.

Follow the MHS Business Education Department on Twitter to be the first to know when the store is open!

Order the Once a Spud, Always a Spud Book

Coming in December 2023, the exclusive Once a Spud, Always a Spud book will be released. This 300 page hardcover book features nearly 2,000 pictures and has been a passion project of Moorhead Schools historian Brian Cole. Additionally, the names of all 29,874 MHS grads from 1873-2023 are included in the book.

This keepsake 150th Anniversary book will be sold by pre-order only; click here to order yours today!

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