Horizon West Activities

**All sign-ups are on the Moorhead Community Education website**

Cross Country

*Starts September 7th and ends October 7th. 

Practice is Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays after school. A great introduction to the sport of long distance running and a way to have fun with friends after school. Any and all are welcome, regardless of athletic experience. Only equipment needed is a good pair of running shoes and an even better attitude. Four to five meets are expected to be scheduled during the season.


For the first time, 5th and 6th graders can participate in after school basketball. Basketball runs from October 11-15, and October 25-29 from 4-5pm after school. Boys and girls are welcome. 

  • Participants will do both skill development and various games. 
  • We will likely schedule another 2 week spring session. 
  • Contact Jed Carlson with questions. jedcarlson@moorheadschools.org

Before School Gym

Come spend some time in the gym before school and start your day with fun 

Phy Ed games! Mr. Tidd will run a variety of games before school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-9 AM

Art Camp

**All sign-ups are on the Moorhead Community Education website**