
Influenza is very prevalent this time of year, along with all sorts of other viruses. It is important to try to keep germs at bay and there are some things as parents that you can do to help. Keeping your child home when they are sick, encouraging frequent hand washing, and covering our coughs and sneezes, protects everyone-especially those with fragile immune systems.

Your child should stay home from school when they have a fever of 100.4 or greater, or have vomiting/diarrhea. Once they are fever-free, no vomiting/diarrhea for 24 hours without the use of medications, and can actively participate in school, they may return. Please contact the school health office should you have any questions or concerns. 

On a random note, Dodds’ health office is in need of boys size 6-10 joggers or sweatpants. Donations of clean, used clothing can be sent with students or dropped off in the front office.