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Hello Families

Winter break can be a great time to slow down and take a break from the daily routine. During this time you can enjoy time with your child and celebrate how they have grown this year. Children may be at daycare during break, spending time with a different caretaker or at home with you. Regardless of where your child is spending their days there are many fun ways to enjoy winter break. Here are a few ways you can keep your child’s body moving, brains thinking, and imagination soaring:

  • Build a snowman or snow family
  • Create beautiful snow art using spray bottles and food coloring 
  • Stay in your pajamas all day!
  • Cook or bake a holiday dish that is special to your family (in my house that means spritz cookies!)
  • Visit your neighborhood park for skating, sledding or snowshoeing (Moorhead Park and Rec Winter Recreation Activities
  • Visit the local library and discover new winter read alouds 
  • Take a winter flashlight walk 
  • Make a grocery store, coffee shop or toy store at home
  • Build a fort ( and watch a favorite movie inside!) 
  • Create paper snowflakes to decorate your home
  • Play hide and seek
  • Start a winter break journal 
  • Look at photos from 2021! 

Families are a child’s first and best teachers. We want to support you and your family to have a great winter break, we look forward to seeing you in the new year! 


Lexi Lundberg, Family Literacy Specialist 

Phone: (218) 284-6376 Email: