Community Education

New Year, New Beginnings, New Traditions, New Programs

The past year has been anything but ordinary, and at the same time, it has allowed us to slow down, settle in, and spend a lot of time with ourselves, our passions, and our hobbies. Maybe the past year has sparked your interest in a new pastime, maybe you found a new love for art or creating, reading or writing, cooking or eating (I mean, seriously!). Up or down, or all around, it has given us time, and what we learn and do with our time is what fills our cup.

Bertrand Russell once said, “The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.” Find enjoyment in your life, find talents you never knew you had, make memories with your friends and family. Community Education is here to meet you where you are. We are here to help you find your happy, to fill voids you never knew existed, and to bring opportunities to you. We have an array of new courses offered this semester, and we hope you find something that satisfies your hunger.

Our new Winter catalog offers something for everyone. View it online at Winter 2022 Catalog.